Skip Hire Service

The most competitive
skip hire in Surrey

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14 day skip hire from £115 plus VAT


Aymer Skip Hire are committed to ensuring the waste collected from your property is transported, tipped, processed and recycled in an environmentally friendly and ethical way.

When your skip arrives at our Robbs Nursery Recycling Centre, the contents are inspected. If the material in the skip has been segregated at source and for example is 100%; inert, wood, greenwaste, cardboard or plasterboard etc then that material will be tipped in the designated bay for that type of segregated waste. This material will be further processed and recycled separately before being sent off to end markets.

If it’s a mixed skip, the skip is taken to the designated recycling centre where it is tipped for further sorting. The staff use excavators and material handlers with selector grabs to remove the large pieces of recyclable from the waste ie metal, wood etc and this material is put into separate bays for processing and recycling. The remaining mixed waste is then put through a very extensive MRF process. The process uses a feeder and many conveyors to enable the material to pass through screens, magnets, air density separators, and a picking station, to enable us to separate the waste into the separate waste streams for recycling. These separate waste streams include; ferrous metal, non-ferrous metal, soils, wood, aggregate, plastic, RDF and SRF.

Waste Life Cycle


Skip Hire
Waste Recycling

As a company we recycle up to 99.% of everything that comes into our site, and around 10-15% of the 99% is RDF (refuse derived fuel) i.e. material that is taken away to be burned to be used for fuel that will produce heat and electricity.
We can issue a monthly waste report which shows the breakdown of all waste that comes in from a particular site, breaking down materials by type i.e. aggregate, plasterboard wood, plastic, batteries, etc.

Waste is segregated by machinery into:


Skip Hire
  • Aggregates – Re-used in Construction and Road building sectors
  • Wood – Sorted into grades, chipped and sent for use as biomass fuel
  • Metal – Sorted and reprocessed to go back into manufacturing
  • Cardboard & Paper – Recycled for reuse to create other card and paper products again
  • Plasterboard – Recycled and put back into use as new products again
  • Renewable Fuels – Other waste is shredded and processed to produce RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel) which is used in European renewable energy plants to replace fossil fuels.